MA+KE Lab seeks to tell the story of lost and forgotten moments in interdisciplinary format as patterns, textile, wallart and furniture.
Story About Us

Behind MA+KE LAB´s design there are three creative minds and many inspiring friends for creative collaborations.
Our team is led by the master of graphic arts, Martin Tõnts, who is known for his ability to illuminate the art of patterns.
Kevin Pineda, our product designer and photographer, has curated several exhibitions across Europe and has even been published in Vogue and Le Officie Baltics for his work in fashion week in Paris.
Nele Kont, our material technology specialist, brings a mystical pattern world into our quantum reality with her master’s degree in materials technology from TUT.
For more information or inquiries about sales
Email us at:
Instagram /portfolio: @ma_ke_lab #ma_ke_lab